As part of our ongoing efforts to ensure the comfort, health, and safety of all members of our community, we are providing updated guidance for urgent circumstances that might occur on-property. We ask that you retain this information in case an urgent situation arises. 

Emergency Situations: Dial 911 immediately

White Plains Fire Department: (914) 422-6360

White Plains Police Department: (914) 422-6111

If You Observe a Non-Urgent Issue on the Property that Requires Repairs:

Please e-mail our property manager, Maria Monaldo, at maria@cdtpm.com as soon as possible.

During normal business hours, please also contact CDT Management directly at (914) 381-7200. If the issue is urgent, please see the guidance below.

If You Observe an Urgent Issue on the Property:

Please contact our building super, Enisa Hodzic: (914) 439-9343

If you are unable to reach Enisa after a reasonable period of time, please contact Ranko: (914) 943-6294) as he backs up Enisa.

Emergency Contact:

Should there be either a personal, medical, or other emergency regarding your specific unit, we offer each and every resident the opportunity to store an emergency contact in the event that there is an situation that requires your immediate attention and you are unavailable.

We encourage every resident to provide an emergency contact via this link so that Management and the Board of Managers can notify a trusted individual in the event of an emergency regarding your unit and take actions on your behalf.

The health, safety, and comfort of all residents is of the utmost importance to the Board of Managers and to Management. If you have any concerns, please do not hesitate to reach out.