[UPDATE] Landscaping Restoration, New Website, Board Elections

**Please note: The following letter and ballot were emailed to homeowners May 5th. Based on a lack of ballots being returned, the Board is extending voting until the end of this week (May 26th). Please vote for the next condo board as soon as possible. Thank you!**

To All Homeowners and Residents,

We hope everyone is having a great start to the Spring and finally enjoying our new decks! We’ve really enjoyed watching them transform with furniture and activity! Now that the construction is behind us, we have begun to restore our landscaping. So far we have taken down a broken portion of our fence, relocated some plantings, and added to it with new ones. We are in the process of redeveloping our central courtyard, and plan on having parts of the driveway repaired. Stay tuned for more info on the courtyard!

We have also taken down our old condo website, and built a new one. The website is meant to be not only a repository for important information such as bylaws and financials, but also a communication tool. It can be found here: https://whiteplainscommons.com/.

We encourage all residents to sign up for it and stay in touch!

Finally, at our March Homeowners Meeting, we unfortunately did not have a quorum to conduct a Board Election. This is an important piece of business that needs to be conducted to ensure building governance continues smoothly. We have 4 Board members seeking reelection (Jason Ralph, Joanna Daddario, Nichole Harris, and Dorothy Botsoe) and three Board appointees seeking election (Lindsey Stearns, Heidi Wu, and Kathleen Glatthaar Lozano). Voting everyone in will ensure we have a full Board of 7 members.

Please find the attached voting ballot with this letter, and have it filled out and returned to Archer Management by May 19th. You can find candidate profiles on our website.

Thank you to everyone for participating in our community!

— Board of Managers


[NOTICE] Usage of Grills on Balconies


[UPDATE] Introducing WPC’s New HOA Website 💻