[NOTICE] Usage of Grills on Balconies

To All Residents,

The Board of Managers looked into the use of barbecue grills on balconies as several residents recently began using them. The Board of Managers spoke with the Fire Department who indicated that use of grills, regardless of type of grill (electric, charcoal propane, etc.), was prohibited on all building balconies in White Plains. The Fire Department indicated that the ban is enforced not only due to possibility of fire but smoke nuisance for any units situated above.

This matter was also reviewed with our insurance broker, who spoke directly with the fire underwriter for our policy. They stated grills are not permitted on our balconies, and continued use could negate our insurance policy. Per our insurance broker, this is standard practice for all insurance carriers in the tristate area regarding grills on balconies.

While grilling is not permitted on balconies, it would be permissible on the building grounds, provided the grill is 10/ from building structure. As such, the Board of Managers is currently discussing options to provide space for residents to grill. These discussions are ongoing, and an update will be provided when possible.

If you currently have a grill, please make arrangements to remove it upon receipt of this memo.

— Archer Property Management


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